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Financial Policies

Payment Procedures: Statements will be emailed to parents on or before the first of each month. It is the responsibility of the parent to retrieve your statement and return a check for the amount due to the payment drop box at the school. It is the responsibility of the parents to pay all tuition and other charges incurred on or before the 5th of each month.


Late Payments: Late fees in the amount of $10 per day will be assessed beginning on the 6th of the month. Lake Hills Montessori may suspend or dismiss a student if tuition and other charges have not been paid by the specified due date.

Returned Checks: There is a $35 fee for each returned check. If the school receives more than one returned check per family, we reserve the right to request the parents pay on a cash basis.


Refunds: There are no refunds given for vacations, illnesses, absences, or holidays as the school must continue to meet all expenses incurred for the operation of the facility. Lake Hills Montessori will not reduce or refund any part of tuition or other charges because of dismissal or withdrawal of a student either before or during the school year.


Family Discounts: Family discounts are given in the amount of 10% of the lowest tuition rate rate applied.


Withdrawals or Changes: Lake Hills requires 30 days written notice of withdrawal or any change in your child’s enrollment.

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