Montessori Method
The underlying foundation of our school is respect:
I respect myself: true learning is respect.
I respect my friends: we are social beings and our actions affect others.
I respect my environment: our main duty in life.
It is imperative for a child’s learning and for the smooth functioning of our school community that each child learn the “cycle of activity”:
I choose my work.
I complete it properly.
I put it away, ready for the next person.
We are working on normalization (a child in harmony with self and environment). This is accomplished as a child learns to work and enjoys working. Work (the process, not the product) is what brings fulfillment of the FIVE MAIN GOALS:
Concentration: The ability to observe and comprehend, the ability to remain focused on a task for ever increasing amounts of time.
Independence: in choices, in decision-making, in care of person and environment, and in the responsibility for learning.
Control and Coordination: of body, mind and heart.
Purposeful Activity: learning to engage in purposeful activity, as opposed to chaotic or nervous activity.
Joyful Accomplishment: to experience the feeling of, and to quest for joyful accomplishment (the positive experience is what propels a child to accept himself and and desire further knowledge).